

Development of an exhibition program commissioned by Almeida & Dale, interested in new perspectives on the history of Brazilian art. Its goal is to create exhibitions that bridge the gap between the works in the gallery's collection/network — primarily modern pieces from the 20th century —, invited artists and artists selected through an open call. Annually, the project involves defining a conceptual/curatorial proposition for the edition, inviting curators, drafting the call, selecting applicants, and defining invitees, managing all dynamics and services involving participating artists, activities related to the production of the exhibition, among other tasks. The project also includes a public program of conversations, a video record of the exhibition, and a printed publication. For the pilot edition, the exhibition "Bend But Don’t Break" brought together 32 artists, including 10 selected, 8 invited, and 14 established artists. The aim was to reflect on how the manipulation of matter, both physical and imaginative, can provoke reflections on the possibilities of transforming the body — which stretches, bends, and flexes — but also on expanded dynamics of transmutations, hybridisms, and unusual connections through certain infusions of energy.

Implemented by
Almeida & Dale Galeria de Arte 

Project by

Germano Dushá, Rafael RG 

Program methods
Fabricia Ramos 

Alfredo Volpi, Aline Motta, Allan da Silva, Anna Maria Maiolino, Anti Ribeiro, Cildo Meireles, Edson Barrus, Flávio de Carvalho, Hélio Melo, Hélio Oiticica, Ione Saldanha, Ivens Machado, Jayme Fygura, Jefferson Santiago, Jonas Van, José Resende, Juno B, Keila Sankofa, kulumym-açu, Labō, Laryssa Machada, Loren Minzú, Lygia Pape, Mari Ra, Marina Woisky, Mira Schendel, Miriam Inez da Silva, Noara Quintana, Raymundo Colares, Rubem Valentim, Sallisa Rosa, Siwaju Lima, Victor Arruda, Zimar

Germano Dushá, Rafael RG, Ariana Nuala 

Project management and translations
Fabricia Ramos 

Exhibition design
Alberto Rheingantz 

Graphic design
Raul Luna 

Graphic design assistance
Christian Proença 

General assistance
Cammila Ferreira

Ana Chun, Marina Bigardi 

Almeida & Dale Collection
Carolina Tatani, Carolline Akemy Miyashita, Sophia Maria Quirino Sawaya Donadelli, Malu Villas Bôas, Morgana Viana Montagem Éder Chapolla, Tato Blassioli 

Charly Ho

Exhibition setup
Éder Chapolla, Tato Blassioli

Carpentry and metalworking
Carlos Ferraboli 

Text preparation
Sandra Brazil 

Audiovisual documentation
Leticia Rheingantz 

Photographic documentation
Sergio Guerini 

Marcelo Ozório

Ipsis Gráfica e Editora

Visit the program's website
Access the publication
Visit the exhibition page